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Saturday, February 3

Here are a few pictures from my current project, a Flames of War MW British force based around a rifle company.

The unit I have chosen to model comes from the 19 Bde of the 8th Indian Division in Italy during the latter part of 1943.

The first picture is on a Quad Tractor from the A/Tk platoon. I am not sure if these will make it into the final force but I like the clean lines and the A/Tk guns are very nice.

Here is a battery of Priest SP artillery followed by a close up.

The next picture is of a carrier platoon from the attached Recce Btn. This is an indian unit, however I have chosen to give them universal carriers instead of the indian pattern carriers in the rules. There is plenty of photographic evidence to support the use of UCs so I feel quite justified in this decision.

And here is a White Scout Car again from the Artillery battery. I didn't like this model much to be honest. The crew did not fit the seats they seemed a bit out of scale when compared to the model.