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Wednesday, July 2

I have moved my web site. I had some ftp problems with the old one and I couldn't get any answers from the support team. I think I had exceeded my space allowance, but that is a guess.

I have now moved everything to Tripod. Loading and editing the site is certainly easier. I will have to go through and check things thoroughly but it is looking ok.

The only thing I have spotted that doesn't work is the hover command. The one that make a link change colour when you move the mouse over it. I will have to do a bit of research to find out where this has gone wrong - but so far I am pleased with the transfer.

You can visit by clicking the following link


Loads of wargaming figures.

Monday, June 30

I have been experiencing problems with my web site. This is unusual because so far I have been very fortunate - but it obviously it couldn't last.

This is a major inconvenience as I have loads of new pictures to upload - doh!

So here they are - without explanation - which is a shame and I will need to sort the web site out another time! Probably going to have to move it - I hope it won't be too big a problem in the long run.