Friday, September 12
I have been preparing two projects today. The first is an Athenian Greek DBA army using Xyston Miniatures figures and the second is a group of Crusader Pirates from Northstar.
The Xyston Greeks are some of the earliest figures produced by that manufacturer and as such they are some of the smallest. Later ranges have tended to get bigger. In this instance small is not a problem they look very good even before undercoating. There is quite a bit of work involved with drilling out the hands, cleaning up the mould sprue and gluing spears and shields on to the figures and if you add in making the spears that's several hours before you even get the first paint out of its pot.
I ordered the Pirates on Monday, after which I had an email saying they would be sent on Wednesday and they arrived today - Friday - I consider that to be pretty good service
Although I had seen figures by Crusader around until now I hadn't bothered to look at any in detail. I have to say I am quite pleased do far. One small criticism, compared to Copplestone and Artizan these figures needed a lot more cleaning up with a craft knife and a modelling file.
Wednesday, September 10

As I continue to test out my 28mm painting skills I am on the look out for new challenges and I found this resin model tucked away in a dark corner of my painting area.
I can't remember who the manufacturer is or exactly how I came by it except I think it was freebie with something else. It's not something I would normally buy but I decided to give it a go anyway. (Note: I have just found the manufacturer - the model is by Ramshackle Games of Nottingham)
I like to think of it as a damsel in distress, in need of rescue by some passing hero (male or female just to remain PC).
Perhaps my next project will have to be the hero - well after the pirates and perhaps another 15mm DBA army, oh and maybe some WWII stuff.
I do quite fancy painting some fantasy figures, but not with over large weapons or hugely improbable musclature - hmm perhaps an orc or two.
Here's a taster of the finished miniature - if you want more pictures visit my web site at