This is a Sea People army - or more precisely a Peleset army. The Peleset can be identified by their distinctive head gear, which are shown on Egyptian reliefs from the period (circa 1176BC).

Generals can either be in a chariot or on foot with the elite fighters.

Here's a close up of the main man. The model has a very nice box cab and the crew fit easily.

These are the Elite fighters resplendent in their bronze armour and weilding bronze swords or spears.

Here is a group of lesser warrior, they have no shields and are only armed with javelins and occasionally a light axe.

The skirmish force of light archers. Not even so much as a scrap of textile armour for these boys.

The ordinary warriors make up the bulk of the army. These fighters can afford a shield and the occasional bronze sword but they can't afford the shiny armour of their elite bretheren. They have to make do with toughened textile strips or go without.
These are historical foes for the Egyptians, and over a 50 year period were a significant threat to Pharoah and his people.