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Friday, May 23

Old Glory 15mm Ancients

I had never used Old Glory 15mm ancient figures up until this week.

The way they are packaged makes it very difficult to get the figures you need without also getting large number of 'extras'. With 50 foot or 16 mounted to a bag for £11 plus postage it is quite likely there will be plenty of left overs.

Another factor is the lack of pictures of the figures available. The Battle Honours web site, which carries the range in the UK, doesn't have very many images and for some ranges none at all. Buying without the benefit of seeing what is in a bag can be a lottery.

However my latest project specified Old Glory figures so I took the plunge and ordered some. The first thing to say is that the service was very ggod. I placed the order on Monday and the figures arrived Wednesday morning.

When they arrived I opened the packs and inspected the figures.

The figures are cast in a soft alloy. This means all the cast spears and lances were bent. I do not like this so I went through and replaced the cavalry lances with wire. This is a time consuming but simple job and the end results are well worth it. I haven't decided about the infantry, but they do suffer from the same problem and provided I can get a good angle with the drill it would probably be worth it as well.

On the plus side I really like the horses. Lots of active poses which will (fingers crossed) paint up nicely.

How the rest paint up remains to be seen but I am optimistic.