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Saturday, September 6

Persians - Now Up on Web Site.

After my picture problems of yesterday I managed to redo the photography in natural light and the pictures are up on my web site at


Here are a couple more work in progress pictures of the Perry Napoleonic Generals. I hope to finish these next week.

New Later Achaemenid Persian DBA Army - Just a taster!

I was hoping to load up a new page onto my web site with the full range of pictures on this new Later Achaemenid Persian DBA army.

Unfortunately the pictures came out rather too dark. I could have brightened them in the image editing stage but I prefer to get it right at the photography stage.

Thursday, September 4

New Stuff on the Painting Table

As a bit of a change I am painting up some Perry Miniatures 28mm French Napoleonic Generals. The work in progress is General Foy.

I have to admit to being a little intimidated at first. It's one thing to paint up some archaeologists or cowboys. The colour schemes can be prety much anything you want within a certain pallet - but Napoleonic figures are different. Ordinary troops have uniforms and generals have elaborate uniforms and Perry Miniatures have lots of detail. And then there are the horses - I am comfortable with painting them in 15mm but 28mm is a whole new ball game! However, this has been a real challenge but I think it is coming together ok.

The 15mm Achaemenid Persians are finished and I will take some photos tomorrow. They should be up on the web site by mid afternoon.

I have also put another Artizan Cowboy up on Ebay so its been a busy week so far.

I will have to find a new project for next week. I wanted to try some female characters but haven't seen anything that really grips me so far.