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Thursday, March 18

Starting out on a new Project - The 1809 campaign in Northern Italy

I have begun a new Project. This will be based on the campaign that started in Northern Italy and went on into Austria fought between the Franco-Italians commanded by Price Eugene de Beauharnais and the Austrians under Archduke John.I will base the forces on one of the battles thattook place in this theatre but I am not sure which one at the moment. The photo is of my first 'test' unit for the conflict - 2nd btn Infantry Regt 27 Strassaldo. I am pleased with how it has come out (although I cannot say the same for the photo which is quite dark).

The Completed French Army of the North 1871

The General Faidherbe's Army of the North on January 3rd 1871, fielded 2 Corps; the 22nd and the 23rd. Each Corps was comprised of 2 divisions, and each division had 2 brigades. In total the Army of the North had 56 battalions of variable quality and levels of training and 15 batteries of artillery (note: there were no mitrailleuse batteries in the oob).

Saturday, March 13

Prussian Artillery Batteries
The Generals of the French 23rd Corps at the Battle of Bapaume, January 3rd 1871
The battlefield of Bapaume. January 1871 was cold, miserable, and snowy. The French Army of the North, moving to relieve the siege of Peronne was confronted by the Prussian 15th Division at the small town of Bapaume.
This has been a long project, but with these last figures it is now completed. Time to move on to the next project!

Sunday, February 21

The last combat units for the Army of the North

The last French batteries are complete.
The Army is finished except for some generals which I hope to add shortly.

Wednesday, February 10

French Army of the North 1871

My 10mm French force for the Franco-Prussian War. 3 divisions of the Army of the North in January 1871. The fourth, National Guard division, is still in the process of assembling.

General Derojja, Commander of the 1st Division of 22nd Corps