More Persians and a few Macedonians
Another group of very fine figures - all on the big side but that is an advantage some of the time!
ANC20109 - Mounted Macedonian Generals and ANC20070 Macedonian Companions

In the above picture the central figure comes from the generals pack and the outer figures from the companions pack. The generals are all nicely modelled with presence and character. This noble is waving his sword, encouraging his troops on. One criticism of this figure is the position of the sword arm - it seems a little unnatural.

The 'General' here comes from the 'Persian' Xystophoroi pack ANC20125 with two more companions in support. The Xystophoroi are really quite big figures. Notice how splayed the legs are on both the companions and the general.

These three figures all come from the generals pack. The central figure is depicted as Pyrrhus. The other figures from the genreals pack provide his bodyguard. I have provided his bodyguard with shields and light spears - these are not supplied in the pack. Pyrrhus is said to have adopted the shield for his mounted troops after his time in Italy.
Last Bunny Rating: - Generals 8 out of 10
Last Bunny Rating: - Companions 8 out of 10
Last Bunny Rating: - Xystophoroi 7 out of 10
ANC20033 Paphlagonian Infantry

A set of nice figures with crescent shields which paint up well... but they remind me of the gorillas in Planet of the Apes. I think it is to do with the shape of the hat and the beards! Spoils it for me a little!
Last bunny Rating: - 7 out of 10
ANC20123 - Elymaian Archers

This is a much nicer pack of light archers than the persian archers mention in part 1. THese have a bit more body and the poses are more interesting.
Last Bunny Rating 7.5 out of 10
ANC20094 Indian Cavalry Command and ANC20095 Indian Cavalry

The central figure is from the cavalry command pack flanked by two figures from the indian cavalry pack. These are again very pleasing. The drawback here is that they seem to be a little smaller than the Greeks.
Last Bunny Rating: - 7 out of 10
Another good group of figures. I have two main problems with these figures. The first is the variation in size. The difference between the Xystophoroi and the indians is quite marked. And secondly, and this a problem with all the mounted figures - the legs are too far apart. There is a great gap between the riders legs and the sides of the horse which no amount of leg bending or filling can get rid of satisfactorially.
Never the less still some of the best looking figures around.
1 comment:
the gnomes will not be pleased
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