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Wednesday, October 1

Old Glory 15mm Ancients

I have just taken delivery of some sample bags of Old Glory 15s Asiatic Horse army figures. They came in smaller bags than I am used to with 9 mounted (down from the previous 16) and 24 foot (previously approximately 50). This makes them much more practical with far fewer wasted/unwanted figures.

It has proven hard to find pictures of the figures recently so here are a few shots to help out. (hardly more than a scratch on the surface as the OG range is enormous but .. )

AH1 - Asiatic Horse Army Command. 3 figures with kettle drums, three figurs with standard and 3 generals.

AH2 - Asiatic Horse Army Heavy Cavalry. 4 riders but the mix was skewed towards the bow shooting character.

AH3 - Asiatic Horse Army Bulgar light cavalry. 4 figures

SL2 - Slavic spearmen. 8 different figures. Some with kite shield, some with round or oval.

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