My first unit of Eugene's army in Italy in 1809 has been finished. This is the 1st Btn of the 102nd Line. This battalion and the 3 others from this regiment formed part of Grenier's division at the battle of Sacile and took part in most of the engagements that followed in Eugene's campaign to first drive the Austrians from Italy and then to take the army into Austria itself.
The 6 company organisation adopted by the French gave each line battalion 2 elite companies (of genadiers and Voltigeurs) and 4 centre or fusilier companies. I have used a 32 figure unit to represent this and in my set up the elite companies have 4 figures each while 3 of the fusilier companies have 6 figures. The 2nd fusilier company is represented as a single rank of 3 figures behind the command group of an officer, the eagle bearer and a drummer.